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Happy New Years! 2024!!

Started by Senkusha, Sunday, December 31, 2023, 20:56

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I just wanted to wish everybody a happy a new year!!  May it be blessed and better than all other years!

What's your Resolution for 2024?

Mine is to learn to draw Chibi characters, and maybe a short manga!


Yappy Hew Near!

I don't make resolutions as they don't last and then I get depressed.

So I'll just enjoy life as much as I can.


I agree, however, that's why I decided on a goal of learning to do something I'm interested in developing, and have set a small goal, and I've got an entire year to make it happen!

I'm using the SMART goal system:

Specific:  To learn how to draw Chibi style characters and create a short manga (probably like five to ten pages)
Measurable:  I can measure my goal by reading the book that I have dedicated toward the subject, and using my experience as a writer, of developing the story.
Attainable:  I can attain this goal.  I have the books, equipment, and time to perform everything the task.
Reasonable:  I have the financial ability to pursue this task, and it's legal to perform -- no outlandish obstetrical are in my way.
Timely:  I have 365 days to complete my manga, and I know how to create a fascinating story.  Illustrating it will be my challenge.

Now to make it happen! ;D



Happy New Year! For those doing Resolutions, how is Day 3 coming along for you?


I haven't been able to do too much work, since I've been working.  I took the First, and just rested.  I have lots of plans for tomorrow thought!