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The Future of Jobs

Started by Senkusha, Tuesday, August 13, 2024, 06:38

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I believe that we, as a collective, are witnessing the end of an era.  For over a hundred years, with the advent of Capitalism and the Corporation, we as people, have subjected ourselves to working for "the Man", our boss, who is in a chain of command in a hierarchical structure.  This model has worked fairly well, so long as all the parts of this complex machine are well maintained, however, I believe that this model that many people have relied upon for generations now, has become eroded and compromised.

I've been looking for another job for the past couple of years, and while my life is not absolutely dependent upon finding a new job, my physical well-being is.  I have seen all across various social media platforms of the struggling unemployed navigate our current Job Market.  Some of the problems that I'm seeing include:

  • No training is provided.
  • Low pay/compensation.
  • Longer and longer work hours (beyond the established 40 hours per week).
  • Toxic micromanagement (a.k.a. lack of trust for employees).
  • Additional duties and responsibilities without additional compensation.
  • Companies and teams working with skeleton crews.

There are many more issues that I see with the typical job posting, and I haven't even touched on the fact that several postings aren't even for immediate hiring -- that employers are only harvesting applications to not only instill fear mongering on the current labor force, but also to have a handy list of qualified candidates at the ready for when an employee quits a toxic position.

All of these issues combined is what's going to lead to the extinction of the standard corporate model.  I'm beginning to see a trend of desperate people looking for alternative ways to secure the income that they need to just survive -- money for food, shelter, and heat.  There are many opportunities, but one thing that stands out to me is the model of conducting business is changing.  Instead of people working under a corporation, with a chain of bosses and supervisors, people are starting smaller, more grassroots businesses.  These people are working for themselves.  And while this may not be a new thing -- thousands of people have attempted to start a small business over the decades, this is becoming a more popular option, as more people who can not get hired are opting out of the corporate world.  Using technology and social media, individual people are able to start reaching out to perspective clients -- other people in need of something, and fulfill these needs. This is a community based organization model.  We now have many small, individually operated businesses satisfying the needs of people, and in the current age of Corporate Greed that is running rampant, customers are turning away from the big corporations in favor of these more flexible and smaller operations.

Now the question is, what would you like to do?  How much money do you NEED?  And, when what would give YOU satisfaction while earning an income?

I've been able to answer the last two questions.  I know that I only need about $2,500 every month to have my basic needs met, and I know that I want to help people, possibly writing computer software, but I really want to focus on a more spirituality aspect.  However, I don't know what I could actually offer people that would satisfy my desires.