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The Deck of Many Powers

Started by Senkusha, Monday, November 27, 2023, 08:53

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Here is the master list for the Deck of Many Powers:

Can increase or decrease the density of an object/person
Card Power Description
A ♠️Cold ManipulationCan cool objects (including the air) down
2 ♠️Terrain ManipulationControls and creates earth (forms of dirt/rock).
3 ♠️Fire ManipulationControls fire, creates fire.
4 ♠️IcynessCreates forms of ice.
5 ♠️LightningCreates and discharges electricity.
6 ♠️MagnetismControls the power of magnetism
7 ♠️Water ManipulationControls water, tidal forces, creates water.
8 ♠️Density ManipulationCan increase or decrease the density of an object/person
9 ♠️HeatCan heat objects (including the air) up
10 ♠️Weather ControlCan cause weather phenomenon to occur
J ♠️
Q ♠️
K ♠️
A ♥️Akaskic Retrieval Gains detailed information about a target/object.
2 ♥️BarterSwap a random item from a foe for one of your (random) items.
3 ♥️Dimensional ShiftCan open portals to other dimensions.
4 ♥️DuplicationCan duplicate themselves.
5 ♥️ElasticityBecomes stretchy like rubber.
6 ♥️FlightCan fly and hover
7 ♥️Force-fieldCan create and shape a wall of force.
8 ♥️InvisibilityCan cause objects to become invisible.
9 ♥️Master DisguiseCan instantly change their looks to impersonate anybody else, including the voice and mannerisms
10 ♥️Music MaidenCauses music to start playing from out of nowhere, and affects the mood/actions of anybody hearing it.
J ♥️NullifyCan temporarily negate another's magical ability(s)
Q ♥️Plant ControlCan manipulate plant life (bend, shape, grow, wither, or blossom)
K ♥️Prismatic ArcanaCan form and solidify light into various shapes.
A ♣️Shadow MistressControls shadows.
2 ♣️Sound SirenCan create any sound effect.
3 ♣️Suggestive VoiceCan command others with their gentle voice.
4 ♣️SummoningCan summon animals, mythological beasts, and other angelic/demon forces.
5 ♣️ShapeshiftingCan change their shape into any other create form.
6 ♣️Size ChangeCan change their physical size, large or smaller
7 ♣️Super-speedBecomes really, really fast, to include body movements.
8 ♣️Walking ArsenalHas instant access to any weapons, and an unlimited amount.
9 ♣️AbsorptionTemporarily gain the special abilities of a touched target.
10 ♣️
J ♣️
Q ♣️
K ♣️
A ♦️TelekinesisCan move objects with their mind
2 ♦️TeleportationCan instantly move to another location
3 ♦️Time ManipulationCan stop, reverse, speed up time, or slow it down.
4 ♦️PrecognitionIs able to see the exact events of any past event (an immediate area) just by touching an object
5 ♦️PostcognitionIs able to see the exact events of any future event (an immediate area) just by touching an object
6 ♦️TransmutationChange the material of objects (example: lead to gold)
7 ♦️Unfortunate ProbabilityCauses the next event of a random nature for the target to be unfavorable.
8 ♦️
9 ♦️
J ♦️
Q ♦️
K ♦️