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Unexplored Adventures (Active Games)

These are the active games on the site!  Pull up a chair, roll up a character, and let's start the adventure!

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Hyperdrive Hope
When you woke up this morning as your favorite magical girl/guy, you never thought that you'd be figuring out how to pilot an X-Wing, or trying to defeat the Dark Side of the Force, did you?  Welcome to the War that happened a long, long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...

Posts: 1
Topics: 1

Last post: Sunday, November 24, 2024, 20:24 Introduction by Senkusha

Urd's Sake House: Reanimated
Only got a free moment?  Need to blow off some steam?  Pull up a chair and and order a drink.  Invoke your inner-child, alter-ego, or psychopathic personality for quick, free-form style role playing!

Posts: 4
Topics: 2

Last post: Monday, June 24, 2024, 09:52 Re: Reopened (Under New ... by Senkusha