Welcome to the Kawaii Klub!
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We're a super secret underground organization that specializes in playing old school table top role playing games as anime characters! And because you've stumbled onto our hidden haven, we have no choice but to extend an opportunity to join our exclusive team! You'll fit in nicely here if you're into anime dating between the 1990s and 2010s, enjoy shoujo genres that feature a gaggle of girls as heroines, such as romantic comedies, gender-benders, magical girls, harems, with the occasional science fiction title thrown in for good measure. Why do we suggest this? Because our High Goddess, and Mistress of the Kawaii Klub enjoys these too. It also helps if you understand basic GenX sarcasm and find stupid comedy hilarious as well. If you enjoy movies such as Airplane!, The Naked Gun, Police Academy, The Cannonball Run, Spaceballs, or even Monty Python, just to name a few, we hope that you'll join us so that we can eventually take over the known galaxy! Oh, and we don't care if a topic has been discussed a thousand times on other platforms, we're new here, and demand to discuss ancient anime, spoilers and all!

And luckily for you, our [registration process] is super simple! Please [READ THIS] to get started and remember that Membership will always be completely free! We only need the following data, provided by you completely voluntarily and totally not derived under any sort of duress:

 📆Date of Birth
 Preferred Gender
 Possibly Pronouns
 💃Mother's Maiden Name
 Astrological Sign
 📬Valid E-mail Address
 💉Blood Type
 💩A Recent Stool Sample
 😍List of Your Favorite Anime Characters
 📖List of Known Role Playing Games
 🔎A List of Games You're Genuinely Interested in Learning How to Play?

Obviously, some of the above mentioned items are considered totally sensitive, and completely unlrealistic to be asked for, so you can feel free to ignore most of that list. However, we do require you to have an active e-mail address that you actually read every once in a blue moon. There's tons of free options available. I happen to like [GMail], because it's so easy to just create a random account there, totally forget the stupid password, and then you'll probably never log in there ever again! Besides, there's nifty little Smartphone app and widget thingy you can use to, so that you can read about all the super important updates here at the Kawaii Klub Website!

We do have some pretty basic rules that we ask for you to adhere to, and hopefully we haven't completely scared you away yet. These rules have been established to maintain a friendly and productive environment, and most of these will be familiar to you, assuming you've spent any time on any other forums on the Interweb. You must obey!

Please be a decent human being. This website is a designated safe space for all peoples, from all over the world. If you adore anime, and enjoy role playing, or just hanging out drinking coffee, tea, or even lemonaid, you are welcome to stir up some conversation. The point being is hatred of any kind will not be tolerated, period.
No spam please! The site administrator works a full time job to support our cozy little corner, and she would greatly appreciate it if the weeds would not creep inside our pristine halls of glory. We have a dedicated section for the promotion of creators involved in the anime industry, and you may promote your own stuff for commercial purposes there. We fully support locally owned and small businesses.
🔞Absolutely no pornography. We all know anime has a reputation for fan service and outright hentai illistration, however, we aim to keep this space suitable for people of all ages, and let's not forget that not all anime is perverted, okay?! In fact, much of the anime that is discussed on this site is perfectaly acceptable to be viewed by younger audiences. Innuendo and light fan service is okay, just don't get carried away with, like, hentai and junk, okay?
God-Mod only with permission. We understand the nature of Play By Post role playing can slow down to a crawl, especially as real life sometimes interferrs with our Master Plans to take over the world. In situations where you know you'll be away for an extended period of time (determined by the speed of game play and participation), please make arrangements for either a trusted Player or Game Master to run your character(s) for you. Everybody will bring you cake, and possbily shower you with kisses.

If you've already agreed with all of the terms and conditions of our glorious membership, and have already registered for your special free account, you may [click this link] at any time to proceed into Heaven, I mean the discussion forums and feel free to select a snack and beverage before creating absolute chaos within. As a reminder, the walls are sound-proofed and padded for you protection.

Site Statistics:
Status: Online
Members: 14
Anime: 36
RPGs: 18
Games: 1
Topics: 87
Posts: 126
Site Visitors: 21,376
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Rank:  (2)  Sophomore
Posts:  89 ( 26%)
Active:  1 hr ago

All content featured on the Kawaii Klub is copyright of the members who originally created each post.
All anime, manga, and role playing systems are copyright of thier respective registered owners, domestically and internationally.
Site concept, MASs, RPGs and other game content posted as the Site Administrator is copyright Kaitlyn Kokoro, aka "Senkusha" © 2025
Site version: 1.2.6 and last updated on Monday, February 17, 2025 @ 08:39:31