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General Discussion Topics / Re: When is the ShitShow going...
Last post by Senkusha - Wednesday, March 06, 2024, 13:20
I've tried instant coffee.  I'm not really a fan of it, but I'll drink it in a pinch.  Actually, these days, I'm not really a fan of pre-ground coffee anymore either.  Once you've gone to grinding your beans fresh, it's a world of difference!
General Discussion Topics / Re: DST
Last post by Senkusha - Wednesday, March 06, 2024, 13:12
I hate daylight savings time (so much so, I'm refusing to capitalize it!)  It wrecks havoc on my body, I'm already exhausted, now I get even less sleep, and although it's just one day we loose an hour, it takes my body like three months just to reset itself.  I'll probably cope with it the same way I've done for years now, just going to be really early so I can get a fresh start on the new time-table.  Looks like I'm skipping dinner on Saturday.
General Discussion Topics / Panic Attacks
Last post by Senkusha - Wednesday, March 06, 2024, 13:09
I just had a full blown panic attack while at work.  I got sent home... two hours away.  I guess I needed an extra day off from work.

I seriously am having difficulty "staying in the game" of this hellistic dumpster fire called The American Dream.  I'm going to have to continue working and dealing with irate customers for another 20 years?  Screw that.  Oh, AND I don't get to retire.  This sucks that I can't afford my medications.
General Discussion Topics / DST
Last post by ZandraJoi - Wednesday, March 06, 2024, 10:25
Do you observe DST, Daylight Savings Time, in your area? What is your opinion on it? There have been Bills created to remove it but so far it's been all talk.
In a few days time, we'll be Springing Ahead. Losing & gaining an hour can be hard on the body. How do you cope? I tend to change the clocks a few days ahead of time, knowing in the back of my mind the "real" time. Not sure if it helps or not lol
General Discussion Topics / Re: Can Utopia be in our Futur...
Last post by ZandraJoi - Wednesday, March 06, 2024, 10:21
Quote from: Senkusha on Monday, March 04, 2024, 14:59What are your thoughts on how we as a collective could achieve something like this?  What steps do you think we need to perform to make a better, more sustainable future?  And I think for this exercise, don't limit your thoughts to how much money would it cost.  Money is the last thing we need to be thinking about.  We need some solutions, we need to be thinking and brainstorming.
Otherwise, we'll end up with a situation like Terminator, the Matrix, or some other apocalyptic setting. 
I don't think on Earth, us human beings are capable of this. We haven't been since the beginning of time. We are already getting into situations like Terminator with building "smart" robots & even appliances. We have wars. Even without a war, we are barely making it. With money, food, health.
Solutions would be to just throw out everything & just BE. A Human BEing. & respect others for that as well. Respect can go such a long ways!
General Discussion Topics / Re: Tattoos and AI
Last post by ZandraJoi - Wednesday, March 06, 2024, 10:17
That'd be an interesting idea. I am not into AI nor tattoos but am curious what's out there for people. Some tattoo artists are quite good at what they do so it'd be a nice comparison with the AI version.
General Discussion Topics / Re: Mattel profits up 110,400%...
Last post by ZandraJoi - Wednesday, March 06, 2024, 10:15
Quote from: Senkusha on Thursday, February 29, 2024, 12:14This is most certainly by design.  I'm curious to know what the WHY is though.  Is it to exterminate a huge percentage of the population?  A financial reset?  Did we as a civilization get too hi-tech?  Are we learning too much for our own good?  Or is it just pure evil, and they don't give a crap about anything?
All the above. I just think they've pushed humans too much that we are now divided. Many have lost their humanity. Greed can do that.
General Discussion Topics / Re: The Truth About Jobs (Now ...
Last post by ZandraJoi - Wednesday, March 06, 2024, 10:14
Quote from: Senkusha on Thursday, February 29, 2024, 12:19I know for a fact that the owners would personally sink their ship if THEY had to work the floor.

Like I read something on Reddit today.  Most customer service jobs are entry level jobs.  They are paid the lowest, and treated like general crap.  But, customers are a business' lifeblood.  I'm a Customer Service Expert with over 30 years of experience.  I've got the patience, empathy, and dedication to resolve customer complaints, so they keep coming back.  I should be worth my weight in gold!  If it weren't for people like me on the front lines, sure, sales and marketing would generate first-time customers, but after those same customers had issues and problems, they wouldn't be back, and be badmouthing that company for inferior products.  The business would tank and die.

It's really the floor workers that actually care about a company. The owners only care about the money coming in.  I wish we (the human race) could fix this problem.
So do I! All need to work together to make it happen but the owners want what they want without understanding the consequences.
General Discussion Topics / Re: When is the ShitShow going...
Last post by ZandraJoi - Wednesday, March 06, 2024, 10:12
Quote from: Senkusha on Thursday, February 29, 2024, 13:10I'll admit, I enjoy the flavor of a good coffee.  I probably  haven't yet tasted coffee perfection, but I like the flavor.  I also enjoy the energy boost it gives me in the morning that starts my day.

Also, I do know there is a difference in the strength of the coffee flavor between hot versus cold brewed coffee.  Cold brew is no where near as bitter as hot coffee is.  Beware if you ever try it and add sugar.  It'll be WAY too sweet.

I love my Ninja Hot and Cold coffee maker!
What do you think of instant coffee? Many find it fine when they run out but would choose plain coffee (hot or cold).
General Discussion Topics / Tattoos and AI
Last post by Senkusha - Wednesday, March 06, 2024, 07:55
I got to thinking, there's a few pictures that I'd love to see what they would look like as a tattoo.  Does anybody know if there's any AI out there, or maybe even any processes using something like Gimp that would let me see what an image would look like as a tattoo?

It's not just as simple as changing something to grayscale.  And some colors are omitted or changed based on a person's skin tone.