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Thank you for your interest in contacting our Administration Team (currently meaning, I, the Grand Goddess of Geekiness, otherwise known as Senkusha!) You've come to the right place if you wish to contact me directly without using any of the public community forum venues. This page will list all the available ways that you may reach me, and you'll learn interesting, and possibily intimite details about yours truly! Howver, being that this is a public internet space, and everybody must be aware of scammers and spammers, we've implemented a number of secure policies to protect our members, to include myself.

  The first way you can reach me is by reading this [uber important message post]. It has all of my personal social media links neatly listed for you. Just pick one, any one, and occassionally, I'll pop on to check out any messages that I receive. However, using this method means that you must already know me in some way, shape, or form, and there is a potential time delay when using this method.
  The second way (and preferred method) that you may connect with me personally, is by using this handy-dandy submission form! Using this method will ensure that any questions that I'm going to ask you receive the desired attention that will be needed to accept your communication and get back to you in a timely manner. (Usually within 24 hours. I do have a job and work full time, because I have bills to pay, just like I'm sure you do too.) And if it's not completely and painfully obvious, I've developed this form to more easily process your invitation requests.
  Please fill in all the fields listed below. Pressing submit without filling in all of the fields below will result in refreshing the form. You may also change the Reason for Contact by doing pressing the button.
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Site Statistics:
Status: Online
Members: 14
Anime: 36
RPGs: 18
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Topics: 87
Posts: 126
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Rank:  (2)  Sophomore
Posts:  89 ( 26%)
Active:  2 hr ago

All content featured on the Kawaii Klub is copyright of the members who originally created each post.
All anime, manga, and role playing systems are copyright of thier respective registered owners, domestically and internationally.
Site concept, MASs, RPGs and other game content posted as the Site Administrator is copyright Kaitlyn Kokoro, aka "Senkusha" © 2025
Site version: 1.2.6 and last updated on Monday, February 17, 2025 @ 08:39:31